conditions - Dry Eyes

The symptom of dry eyes shouldn't be under estimated and while eye drops may provide temporary relief, chronic dryness demands attention and could be a symptom of a greater health issue.

While dry eyes may seem like a minor condition, it can become chronic if left untreated, and without proper care, symptoms like discomfort, dryness and sensitivity to light can persist and lead to corneal damage or infections, for example.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) chronic dry eyes are often linked to liver and kidney imbalances. Disruptions in liver Qi (energy) flow can lead to dryness and other eye issues. Kidney Yin energy deficiency, which is often caused by ageing or excessive stress, is also commonly linked to chronic dry eyes.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, as well as Tai Chi (Taiji Quan) and Qi Gong can help bring the body back into harmony and eliminate chronic dry eyes.

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