conditions - Bell's Palsey

Bell’s palsy, or idiopathic facial palsy, is an acute disorder of the facial nerve, resulting in weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles on one side of the face. The condition is a peripheral paralysis, rather than one of the central nervous system diseases. It is usually only diagnosed if other possible identifiable causes of these symptoms are ruled out, such as stroke or brain tumour.

Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of facial paralysis, the paralysis causes distortion of the face and dysfunctions such as ability to close the eye and eat properly.

Generally it gets better on it's own over serveral weeks, however, unfortunately, 20-30 per cent of people are left with residual weakness if not treated properly.

Acupuncture can expedient this healing process greatly, and help in the prevention of residual or chronic issues.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine Bell's Palsy is called “Zhong Feng Zhong Jing Lao” (), literally meaning “wind attack on the meridians”, and according to Chinese Medicine, Bell’s palsy is caused when wind and cold invade the meridians, muscles and tendons of the face due to Wei Qi (Defensive Qi, or the immune system) in the area being deficient.

In Chinese Medicine Qi is body's natural life force energy in the human body and which allows for the correct physiological functions of internal organs and meridians, including the bodies immune system. An individual's good health is dependent on the smooth free flow of energy (Qi) in and around the body. Blockages or disruption of the Qi energy flow, blood and body fluids result in pain or disease.

In the case of Bell’ palsy the immune system may be deficient, thus the body’s defences are weak, and the normal flow of Qi and blood is disrupted in the face, resulting in malnourishment of the facial muscles and tendons, which then allow external pathogens to cause inflammation in the region, resulting in swelling of the surrounding tissues, affecting the normal functioning of the facial nerves, leading to the facial muscles becoming weak or paralysed.

Acupuncture points on the face and back of the head are selected to expel the Wind and Cold, as well as relax and energise the paralysed facial muscles. Likewise, Chinese Herbal Medicine can be chosen to achive of enhance the same effects.

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