conditions - Colds & Flu

Traditional Chinese medicine can be an effective approach to cold and flu care and prevention, either on its own or in combination with Western medicine. An ancient tradition with a rich history of thousands of years and intricate healing processes, Chinese medicine offers alternatives to fend off illnesses like colds.

For cold and flu prevention in Chinese Medicine focuses on strengthening the Wei Qi, of Defensive Chi & immune system. Its role is to protect and defend against pathogens that might attack your body from the outside.

Chinese Medicine equates strong 'Defensive Qi' with good immunity, which can be strengthened by eating well, getting good sleep, exercising and managing stress. If you don't take care of yourself, your ability to create and maintain a strong immune system also suffers. This can leave you more vulnerable to health issues, including colds and flu.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can help strength the immune system and related organs, such as strengthening the lungs. In the event falling prey to Cold or Fly, Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used to treat the symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, cough with yellow phlegm, thirst and a general feeling of irritability, as well as expedient healing and recovery from the Cold or Flu episode.

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