conditions - Senior's Health

People in Australia are living longer than ever before. However, senior life is not just living longer, but staying healthy. More than half of all adults 65 and older have three or more chronic medical problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, or arthritis. Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine has a long history in the treatment of senior health concerns.

As seniors are subjected to a wide range of medications, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine helps to restore the natural Qi energy flow throughout the body, and may be able to reduce the need for so many over the counter medications, as well as to also help to reduce the side effects of stronger medications and drugs. Sometimes it may also help boost the efficacy of necessary prescribed drugs, or at least manage potential side effects of those necessary.

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Seniors can include both helping Seniors develop and/or maintain good health, wellness and vitality, as well as in treating illness and disease related to aging, or geriatric conditions.

Chinese Medicine (TCM) emphasizes the harmony and balance of the body, mind, and spirit. By addressing the underlying causes of health issues rather than solely treating symptoms, TCM aims to restore overall well-being in geriatric individuals.

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