conditions - Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease) is a wear-and-tear disease that is often associated with ageing. It is most commonly seen in people who are over 50, but also can develop at any age as a result of an injury or another joint-related condition.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage between the bones gradually wastes away, causing pain as the bones rub together. The most frequently affected joints are in the knees, hips, hands, feet and spine.

The main symptom of osteoarthritis is joint pain, especially on waking in the morning. The joints ache when being maintained in one position for long, but are relieved by movement. Excessive exercise however increases friction between the joint surfaces and can also bring on pain. Change in the weather also makes arthritic pain more noticeable. A sense of stiffness is felt, especially after rest. There may also be grating noises with movement. Other accompanying symptoms include swelling, muscle wasting, joint deformity and loss of normal range of movement.

As with other forms of Arthritis, Chinese Medicine modalities such as Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Moxibustion, Chinese Remedial Massage and Chinese Exercise Therapy (Tai CHi & Qi Gong, Stretching & Mobility exercises) can be very beneficial in pain management, functional movement and delaying progression of the condition

In Chinese Medicine conditions that are congruent with arthritis are classified as Bi, or painful obstruction, syndromes. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bi syndromes are the result of the body being invaded by the external pathogenic factors such as Wind, Cold, Heat, and/or Dampness, which then contributes to causing the blockage of the meridians, or energy channels of the joints, as well as the stagnation of Qi (energy) and stasis of blood and fluids.

Bi syndromes manifest symptoms such as are pain, soreness, or numbness of muscles, tendons and joints, with the actual symptoms manifested by the individual dependent on which external pathogenic factor is strongest, along with other conditions and causes.

For example in a cold type arthritis, symptoms often include acute pain that fixed locations and difficulties in joint movement, often worse in cold weather. The symptoms of heat type arthritis can include red and swollen joints that feel scorching hot and cannot be touched, as well as limited movement because due to pain. With a "damp type" of arthritis, dull pains that move around without a fixed location, and the pain increasing on wet and windy days may be experienced.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, as well as Chinese Massage, Nutrition and Exercise (such as Tai Chi (Taiji Quan) and Qi Gong (Chi Kung) can help with all forms of arthritis and arthritis pain management and bring the body into better harmony by expelling pathogenic wind, clearing away cold, removing dampness and clearing up heat, which will all help to remove obstruction in meridians and improve local circulation, which in turn can decrease inflammation in the surrounding soft tissue and joints, to help in stopping or lessening the pain, promoting recovery where possible.

Studies show that acupuncture can stimulate the body to release endorphins (natural pain-killers), and produce natural steroids (anti-inflammatory hormone) that reduce pain and inflammation. Chinese herbal medicine has proven to be effective for relieving pain, as well as nourishing and strengthening the joints. It has been used by millions of people for thousands of years.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can also be used on an ongoing basis manage arthritis and lesson it's effect, as can self help activities such as Chinese Exercise & Chinese Nutrional principles to manage the condition and aim for restoration of pain free joint function.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can assist in improving the quality of life for people with the condition. An underlying theory of Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture, is that essential life force energy, or "Qi", flows around the body through channels called meridians and that a blockage in the smooth free flow of Qi, as well as blood and other essential body fluids, such as lymphatic fluid, results in pain or illness. With Acupuncture, a practitioner stimulates acupuncture points or uses Chinese Herbal Medicine to restore the the circulation and free flow of Qi, Blood and Fluids to alleviate symptoms, and restore balance and harmony in body.

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