conditions - Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are common, and they can range from minor bruises and sprains to severe tears and traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers an effective approach that can aid in healing these injuries & effective recovery.

In Chinese Medicine, sports injuries are viewed as an obstruction of the flow of qi and blood in the affected area. Chinese Medicine Practitioners use a combination of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Moxibustion heat therapy and dietary (nutritional) therapy, for example, to address the underlying imbalance and promote healing.

Acupuncture is used to stimulate specific points along the affected area to promote the flow of energy and reduce pain.

Sports injuries can be debilitating and require proper management to heal. Chinese Medicine offers an effective method that addresses the underlying imbalance and promotes healing, pain management and post surgical support. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and other Chinese Medicine modalities can also be a very powerful adjuncts to the Western medicine when it is the more appropriate primary care, such as in fractures or where surgical intervention is required. Sometimes a combination of both Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine proves the most effective treatment strategy for certain conditions.

Chinese medicine can provide a unique perspective on Sports injuries that can help an athletes heal more quickly and effectively. Further, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Remedial Massage, and so on, can be effective in post training recovery and in preventing injuries or illness.

Additionally, the use of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can provide pain relief and promote healing without the side effects often associated with Western medications.

See also Martial Arts Injuries

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