Home Visit (Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, ~ )

  • Initial Treatment: $80.00 (+ cost of Herbs if required).
  • Subsequent Treatments: $60.00 (+ cost of Herbs if required)

Telehealth Online Consultation (Chinese Herbal Medicine):

  • Initial Treatment: $40.00 + cost of the Herbs
  • Subsequent Treatments (same condition): $20.00 + cost of Herbs

How long are Treatments

Generally, Treatments for Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine are approximately 60 minutes, initial treatment, or for new condition, may be 90 minutes

Chinese Herbal Medicine (only) follow-up Treatments (for same condition) are generally 30-45 minutes.

How much do Herbs cost?

The cost of Chinese Herbal Medicine varies depending on which herbs are in the formula and the number of grams, as well as the type (raw, powdered, pills), but typically ranges from $20-60 for one week of herbs. All Chinese herbal formula are custom made to fit your particular needs.

Health fund rebates

Currently we are not offering health fund rebates.

Cancellation Policy

Summer Hill Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine's goal is to provide quality care in a timely manner to patients in need, to maintain this we have had to implement an appointment/cancellation policy. This policy enables us to better utilise available appointments for our patients, who are in need of health care.

Please kindly avoid re-scheduling whenever possible. Understandably, sometimes one needs to cancel or re-schedule an appointment, or there are sudden emergencies.

In order to be respectful of other patients, some of whom are on a wait list for an appointment opening, please be courteous and kindly email at least 24 hours prior if you are unable to attend an appointment, so that someone else needing a treatment, perhaps urgently for pain management for example, can be seen at that time instead, and we can help someone else get better or manage/eliminate their pain.

Cancellation Fees & Late Fees

Full fee will be charged for any appointments missed ("no show) or cancelled with less 24 hours notice.

As this is a mobile service, if you are not home upon arrival, and have not contacted to inform you are running late in returning to your home, after 15 minutes it will be considered as a "no show" and full fee will be charged, in this case an additional fee will also be charged to cover travel costs and time to & from your home (Treatment Fee + additional $50).

If I have already commenced commuting to your home/location and you contact to cancel while I am en route, an additional $50 will be charged, except in cases due to sudden emergency.

In the event of Lateness, if the treatment needs to go beyond the booked time period, additional Fee may be required. Where late arrival renders it impossible to treat you at your designated appointment time, due to the next appointments timing, Full fee will also be required'

Understandably, things don’t always go to plan, and there are emergencies which happen, therefore valid reasons will not incur a full cancellation fee.

If you need to, you can cancel your appointment via email (preferred method) or by calling / SMS (24/7 - leave a message, clearly with name and appointment date/time).

Have your own Massage Table?

Sometimes people have a massage table at their home, if that is the case for you, please let me know when booking so that I do not bring mine. Any standard massage/treatment table is fine.

Consultation location

For the taking of your medical history, including your current complaint, and diagnosis, it would be advantageous to do so at a table with chairs, this could be a table in the lounge room or dining room or a study, for example. However this is not essential and it can be conducted seated, without a table.

Please prepare the following before my arrival and have ready

  • 3 large towels ( bath/beach towel)
  • 2 pillows
  • 2 small hand towels would be beneficial
  • 1 sheet would be beneficial, but not essential
  • 1 small light blanket can be beneficial in Winter to keep warm
  • Treatment Fee, in cash & correct amount. (while cash is always preferred, after your initial treatment, payment options of PayPal or Bank Transfer (paid in advance) are available.

In Winter a heater to keep warm, likewise in Summer a fan to keep cool, in the treatment area for one's comfort.

What to wear

Any loose fitting clothing. Shorts and a sleeveless shirt or singlet, providing access to arms and legs, would be ideal. Avoid tight fitting clothing.

In colder weather socks can be warn, although they may need to be removed if points on the foot or ankle need to be accessed. Try to ensure the treatment area is sufficiently warm enough.

Other considerations

  • Please have any relevant medical records, test results and so on ready.
  • Don't be too hungry or too full at the time of the treatment. 
  • Do not have alcohol near the time of treatment.
  • Do not brush the tongue in that morning. In Chinese Medicine, "Tongue Diagnosis" looks at the shape , color, and other aspects of the tongue during diagnostic investigations.
  • No make up if possible or light make up.
  • Do not where tight fitting cloth in order for clear circulation and access to treatment areas.
  • You're welcome to have some relaxing music playing during the Treatment.

Treatment Table Location

Decide on a location where I will set up the treatment table & conduct the treatment. Typically the living room, but depending on the home design, a dining room, study room or kitchen have also been used.

Once the acu-needles have been inserted, I'll leave you to relax, while I complete your treatment record, consider follow up treatment options and so on at some other location, often the kitchen or study, for example. While a different room is beneficial, I can also stay in the same room if no other location is available.

Summer Hill Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine Home Visits

Initially you will need to complete some quick paperwork such as the patient intake and consent forms.

Following this a comprehensive medical "interview" and examinations will be undertaken, followed by evaluation & diagnosis of the main complaint or condition, adhering to Chinese Medicine theory & principles.

This assessment will involve, among other things, an in-depth review of your medical history, family medical history, dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and any medications or supplements you may be using. In addition, various Chinese Medicine specific assessments will be performed such as tongue examination, pulse examination, and palpation to identify painful, restricted or injured areas, for example.

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

Following this it will take a few minutes to set up the treatment table, and I will spend 5-10 minutes deciding on the diagnosis and treatment plan for this visit. During this time you are free to attend to other things, and I will let you know when ready start the Treatment.

The initial treatment including consultation and diagnosis will take around sixty to ninety minutes. Subsequent treatments will take around 60 minutes

Should Chinese Herbal Medicine also be appropriate to prescribe, the options & costs will be discussed, and I will order the Herbs, which can be mailed to you or picked up in person

Chinese Herbal (only) Consult

Should the appointment be solely for Chinese Herbal Medicine, the options & costs will be discussed, and I will order the Herbs, which can be mailed to you or picked up in person

The procedure for subsequent treatments is the same, minus the initial paperwork requirements.

In the case of consult solely for Chinese Herbs, follow up consultation for the same complaint, often only require around 30-45 minutes to review progress, note updates and, if required make adjustments, to the current prescription

Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Medicine, is not magic, generally you are not going to be completely cured after one treatment, particularly where chronic illness, which has developed over time, perhaps years, is concerned. Often there can be very quick results, especially for musculoskeletal problems, however normally patients will feel better after the first treatment, and each follow up treatment will see progress until the body is fully recovered from the complaint.

How many treatments will I need?

While this is a natural question, it is not one that has a definite answer, especially with regards to long term chronic illness, each individual's case and the illness itself.

Depending on the problem, the severity, and how long that problem has been going on the amount of treatments needed may vary greatly.

Additionally, different people respond differently. Some people are much better after a single treatment, while others may not see improvements until after 3 or more treatments, and need multiple treatments to resolve a condition.

Though, one treatment fixes do occur, they are the exception and generally a number of treatments are required to achieve your health goals. Also, generally, the longer you have had your problem, or the more serious the problem is, the longer you can expect the treatment process to take. Typically, in the beginning, more frequent treatments are required, then as results emerge and the presenting problem is resolving, treatment frequency is reduced.

The duration of your treatment are influenced by various factors, including the specific condition, symptoms, your general constitution, how your body reacts to treatment, whether it is an acute or chronic condition, and whether or not you follow recommendations & lifestyle advice, for example.

Further, in some cases, such as chronic illness, your body may have changed to cope or been damaged. For example, if you’ve been dealing with persistent pain, it’s likely that your neural pathways have become conditioned to function in a certain way. Consequently, the process of reconditioning these neural pathways and forming new “memories” for your brain may take some time.

Therefore, the treatment timeline varies from person to person, leading to differences in the number of sessions required and the time it takes to witness improvements. Some individuals may experience relief after just one or two sessions, while others may need additional sessions to effectively address pain, stress, or other symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to remain patient and not be discouraged if your initial acupuncture sessions don’t yield instant results, at the same time you should feel benefit and improvement after your first treatments, and often immediate relief & improvement.

During the consultation and diagnosis of the current presenting problem, a clearer idea of approximately how many treatments and frequency may be required for best, and complete, results, and an individually tailored treatment plan will be created.

The general process is for a treatment plan of an initial 5 - 6 treatments, after the 3rd treatment a re-view and evaluation is performed to see if the current treatment has resolved or is on the way to resolving the issue, or should continue as is for longer, and/or if it needs to be modified or changed, for example as symptoms change and improve.

For example in the case of a patient complaining of coughing and frequent headache, where the headaches has resolved after 3 treatments, however while improved, coughing remains, and therefore treatment  aspects focusing on headache can be removed, and perhaps stronger treatment for stubborn cough can be added.

Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Medicine, is not magic, generally you are not going to be completely cured after one treatment, particularly where chronic illness, which has developed over time, perhaps years, is concerned. Often there can be very quick results, especially for musculoskeletal problems, however normally patients will feel better after the first treatment, and each follow up treatment will see progress until the body is fully recovered from the complaint.

Preventative Medicine

of course Chinese Medicine is famous for specialising in Preventable Medicine, so regular weekly or monthly "maintenance" / check up treatments are a great way to prevent falling ill in the first place, as well as to manage the stresses and wear & tear we all face as a part of daily everyday life.

If one where to use the gym as an analogy, think about how long it takes to get fit or build muscle. Nobody would go to a gym thinking that they are going to get fit and grow big muscles in a single session. It wouldn't matter how hard you work your biceps in your first session, they are not going to be bigger by the end of the day. Likewise, you are not going to be fit after just that single session either. Getting results from your Chinese Medicine treatment is much the same, it usually takes multiple treatments over a period of time before significant, and importantly lasting, results occur.

Maintaining a strong and healthy body assists in warding off and preventing illness, by the same token regular Chinese Medicine "maintenance" treatments, will help maintain a strong immune system and mental & physical health to ward off attack by illness.

The length of treatment depends on the condition/s you have and the severity of them. One to six months is a common time frame for Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment, although in some cases, such as chronic illness, or multiple complex conditions, treatment can be longer or shorter. Each person and illness is unique and therefore your treatment plan will be unique too.

Telehealth Consultations are available for Chinese Herbal Medicine and are done via Zoom, but can also be done via phone or email if required.

Zoom is an online video chat software which can be used through a computer or mobile phone, and allows users to connect online for video conference meetings and live chat.

Instructions can be provided if you have not used zoom before.

Any copies of medical reports or scans and so on, can be emailed in

Chinese Herbal Medicine can be picked up in person or mailed out to you.

Your Chinese Herbal Medicine can be mailed to you, picked up in person (Summer Hill), or I can bring it to your next treatment.

For mail out option, payment via PayPal or Bank Transfer is required first.

Generally it will take 2-3 days to fill your prescription.

Acupuncture needles are incredibly thin and flexible (about the same thickness as a piece of hair), with insertion generally being painless, with the odd one occassionaly that feels like a mosquito bite and lasts about the same amount of time. The common reaction by new patients to acupuncture is, "is that it?", as the pain level is very low to zero.

Once inserted you may feel pleasant sensations such as a slight dull ache, tingling, warmth, slight itchness or heaviness sensation, for example, which are all normal and called a "De Qi" (得氣) reaction, meaning the Qi (氣 Life Energy)is arriving or moving through the area.

Hypodermic needles, those that GPs & Nurses use, such as those used in blood tests, are hollow, which is partly why they cause pain. Acupuncture needles are much thinner, a fraction of the diameter of hypodermic needles, about 3-4 times finer, and not hollow but solid.

Acupuncture needles are so thin, that around 40-50 Acupuncture needles can fit inside the tip of a typical hypodermic needle used for blood tests.

A Practitioner explains and demonstrates how Acupuncture needles don't hurt:

Some people may feel a slight sensation or pressure during needle insertion, but this is usually brief and not painful, however Acupuncture is generally a relaxing and comfortable experience.

Again, it's important to realise that Acupuncture needles are not the same as Hypodermic needles, those that GPs & Nurses use for blood tests or IVs for example, see the FAQ: Does ' Acupuncture Hurt? ' for details.

Many find Acupuncture surprisingly comfortable. Acupuncturists can adjust for your comfort, and almost all people find their fear, or needle phobia, is resolved once they have actually received a treatment.

Many Patients find it so relaxing and comfortable that they will actually fall asleep during treatment, which has become colloquially termed an "Acu Nap"

For those nervous, it's often helpful for them to see how thin, as thin or thinner than a strand of hair,, and flexible the acu needles actually are and to observe as I insert one into my own arm or hand.

In rare cases where a person cannot receive Acupuncture, then Acupressure and Massage may be an option, or Chinese Herbal Medicine alone may be appropriate, depending on the condition being treated.

However, I’ve never had an experience where someone came in afraid of needles and left afraid of needles.

Typically, yes it does, although it varies from person to person.

We call these marks "Sha", as can be seen in the photos of actress Gwyneth Paltrow, and the Olympic Swimmer below.

Often mistakenly thought of as bruises, they are not bruises, and the mechanisms are different.

Diagnostically they can indicate stagnation and heat in the body, with the different colours indicating different diagnostic clues.

The length of time the marks are visible depends on the amount of stagnation and your blood, fluids, lymphatic system circulation.

After receiving Cupping, and/or Acupuncture treatment, its recommended to take plenty of water to help flush out toxins and promote circulation.

Commonly the marks disappear after 5-10 days, although in some instances it may take longer to fully disappear.

This needs to be taken into consideration, if for example, you will be attending some function, and need to wear say a backless dress, and don't want these marks visible. Therefore, always inform the Practitioner if this is case.

Acupuncture may help alleviate general pain through various mechanisms. It is believed to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, reducing the perception of pain. Additionally, acupuncture may have anti-inflammatory effects, contributing to the reduction of inflammation and associated pain. The practice might also enhance blood flow to specific areas, promoting healing, and influence neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, contributing to mood regulation and pain perception.

Yes, Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a registered and licensed Acupuncturist such as myself.

Acupuncture needles are extremely safe, because they are single use,  pre-sterilized, individually packaged, and disposable.

Registered Practitioners have extensive training in not only Chinese Medicine, but also foundation studies in Western medical sciences such as anatomy & physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and neuroscience, as well as extensive Clinical Practice and Internship, as a part of their university degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), consisting of a minimum of 4 years, study and 1000 hours of supervised Clinical Practice before graduating.

Yes, acupuncture is generally considered a safe treatment when performed by a licensed practitioner. Acupuncture needles are single-use, sterile, and disposable, which minimizes the risk of infection. However, it is important to disclose any medical conditions or medications you are taking to your practitioner before undergoing acupuncture.

Chinese Herbal Medicine has been used for at least 5000 years to treat illness and to improve and maintain the best health and well being possible.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is extremely safe. In Australia it is strictly controlled and regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and only be prescribed by qualified, lincensed & registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners.

In Australia, Chinese Medicine (CM), also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a nationally registered profession and is regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The TGA ensures that the medicines used meet the high quality and safety standards and undergoes stringent testing including chromatography to check for heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, banned or illicit substances or the inclusion of any endangered species.

Further Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Australia under go a minimum of 4 years university study, which includes 1000 hours of supervised Clinical Practice.

The technique used in "Dry Needling" is just a one of the very many needle technique within Traditional Chinese Medicine's Acupuncture, that has been taken and used by other health care professionals such as a physiotherapist.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, including its modality of Acupuncture is a complete Medical System, requiring long in-depth study.

Both Dry needling and Acupuncture may help to relieve muscle aches, pains, and tightness. Acupuncture however is a complete healing system which addresses injury, illness and disease and is not limited to muscular sprains and strains.

Acupuncture has been used by people for thousands of years and today is a well regulated health profession, and is a complete modality within the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where needles are inserted at strategic points to stimulate the flow of energy & blood throughout the body for healing of various ailments, illness and disease, including those related to the musculoskeletal systems such as sprains and strains, but can also be used for just things as digestive issues, neurological disease and high blood pressure (hypertension) for example.

Dry needling was developed much more recently. With no formal regulations, registration or guidelines in place, a person has a much higher risk of experiencing side effects. There has been little research, but some people find that this practice reduces pain or assists in muscular sprains and strains.

Acupuncture requires significantly more training and requires graduating University with a minimum 4 year Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including Clinical Practice experience and a minimum of 1000 hours of Clinical Practice supervised by a Senior Practitioner, and practitioners need to be licensed. This study also includes Western Medical Sciences, such as detailed Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology and Neuroscience, for example. Dry needling, on the other hand, only requires minimal training, often done "online", as little as 16-80 hours, and minimal hands on training. Due to a lack of regulation and guidelines, a person can perform dry needling with minimal training and no license.

Sadly, some Dry Needling practitioners directly or indirectly present themselves as related to Acupuncture, such as having acupuncture charts on their wall, Chinese Art or the atmosphere of being connected to Chinese Medicine, and so on, Further for the unknowing, as Dry Needling uses Acupuncture needles and there is insertion of those needles into the skin it may seem like Acupuncture, and actually the technique is contained within Acupuncture, however they are not the same, nor do they have the same level of training and medical system behind them as a Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist. While Dry needling can be effective (it is a techniques extracted from Acupuncture after all), ensure the the dry needling practitioner has adequate training and experience, however it's important to be aware that it is NOT Acupuncture.

Acupuncture and Your Mental Health

Chinese Medicine is concerned with treating the whole person and therefore is concerned with both one's physical health and emotional or mental health. As form of Mind & Body medicine, it recognises that the emotions can effect the physical health, and vice versa that physical health can effect the emotions

Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, has a long history of being explored as a complementary therapy for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. The practice may influence neurotransmitter activity, including serotonin and dopamine, which are key in mood regulation. Additionally, Chinese Medicine modalities such as Acupuncture may help reduce stress and promote relaxation, potentially benefiting individuals experiencing mental health challenges.

It is essential to note that while studies suggest positive effects, Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture should not be considered a standalone treatment for mental health disorders. Individuals seeking acupuncture for clinical mental health reasons should consult with specialised Mental Health professionals to ensure comprehensive care.

Chinese Medicine can be effectively combined along side Western Medicine mental health modalities to provide complete care, and health professionals from both a Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine background can work together to achieve the best outcomes for their Patients

Chinese Herbal Medicine is the oldest medical system in China and has been used for at least 5000 years to treat illness & disease, and to improve and maintain the best health and well being possible, and is still widely used in the world today.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is extremely safe and in Australia is strictly controlled and regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and only be prescribed by qualified, licensed & registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners.

Chinese Herbal Medicines contain a large number of naturally occurring chemicals. These chemicals will have some type of biological activity in our bodies. The main effect is balancing internal disharmonies as well as encouraging the body to heal itself, so that Chinese Herbal Medicine asks our body to treat itself naturally.

As herbs are used in their natural form, they are gentle and without harsh side effects

All Chinese Herbal Medicines are classified according to their energetic qualities, functions, different organs, and channels.

Diagnosis and treatment are always based on the individual because two patients may have the same complaint. Therefore, the treatment will be different depending on the patients’ presentations, and a personalised herbal formula will be created according to your symptoms, the aim is to balance internal disharmonies and help your body naturally heal itself.

Chinese herbs can be prepared in the main forms:

  • Raw Herbs: is the most ancient way that have been used and passed on for thousands of years. The raw herbs are "cooked" and drunk as a Herbal Soup. or Tea This way of taking herbs is the most effective and natural way.
  • Herb Granules & Powders: Herbal granules are concentrated herbs extracted from raw herbs that simply dissolve with a small amount of boiling water and then drunk. The raw herbs can also be ground into powder form and like granules added to a small amount of hot water to be drunk.
  • Patent Pills: Herbal pills are pre-made pills or capsules. Patent Pills are the most convenient way for some take Chinese Herbal Medicines.

Due to the import, growth, storage labour and availability involved in their production, raw herbs tend to be more expensive than formulated herb granules than patent pills. Raw herbs are the most effective and most potent form. Both raw and granule/powder herbs are custom-made to individuals, which means its more specific to your conditions. As the Chinese Herbal formula pill forms are pre-made, they can only be adapted by dosage, but the herbs and their individual dosages cannot me modified, however it can be an easy and convenient, and also cost effective, way to take Chinese Herbal Medicine for some.

Chinese Medicine is often used alongside Western Medicine as it can enhance those treatments and reduces side effects.

For example, Chinese Medicine treatments, such as Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, have a long history of helping in reducing side effects, such as nausea and pain, for a person undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, making it a little easier for the person to withstand such harsh, yet necessary, treatments regimes.

As a form Complementary Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be applied simultaneously with Western Medicine interventions, and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be taken along side Western pharmaceutical drugs. The Practitioner will take into account drug interactions which may have contraindications or cautionary warning, as well as working with one's GP where required to ensure a complementary effect for the benefit of the Patient.

Chinese Medicine's focus on Preventative Medicine and it's effectiveness in treating many chronic, stubborn or unresponsive (to western medicine treatment) illnesses are it's strength. 

In cases of acute illness, emergency medicine and surgical interventions requiring Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine can be beneficial in pain management and speedy efficient recovery. Further in the case of surgery, Chinese Medicine can used to prepare one's health optimally before the surgery.

Very simplistically, Tai Chi or Tai Chi Chuan (Taiji Quan 太極拳) is a Chinese Martial Art that for many today is generally focused on it's health & healing aspects, and is practiced as an enjoyable health nourishing exercise that helps you maintain good health, relaxation & vitality. There are both solo, partner and weapons practices. The graceful movements of this Martial Art reflect a history of centuries of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Daoist (Taoist) Philosophy, which western science is also gradually confirming & validating.

The regular practice of Tai Chi has been shown to have many benefits to the health and well being of people of all ages and fitness levels. It is particularly helpful for those wishing to improve mobility & balance, relieve stress, strengthen the immune system increase one's health & vitality, as well as recuperating from illness or injury.

Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳) is simply an older way of romanising the Chinese word 'Taiji Quan' (太極拳) into English. The same as we once romanised (& pronounced) the Capital of China as "Peking" (北京), and nowadays we use "Beijing" (北京). You can see the Chinese Characters are the same.

Tai Chi / Taiji is simply an abbreviated form of the full name Tai Chi Chuan / Taiji Quan

Tai Chi includes the practice of Qi Gong (see below)

Regarding Yin- Yang philosophy: It often expressed that Tai Chi is the Yang aspect and Qi Gong is the Yin aspect

Again very simplistically, Qi Gong (氣功),or Qigong/Chi Kung, are forms of Deep Breathing Health Nourishing Exercises. They involve aspects of stillness, movement, stretching, flexing/tensing, combined with deep abdominal breathing. For convenience, Meditation Practices can also be included under this term.

Benefits of Qi Gong are increasingly recognized worldwide and within scientific community. Qigong benefits range from mind relaxation and sharpening, stress relief to increased energy, vitality and helping to heal degenerative and chronic diseases.

Qigong exercises integrate body postures, movement, breathing and meditation for a healthy life, spiritual advancement and/or martial arts training.

It is a 5,000-year-old Chinese healthcare modality that has endured the test of time.

Qi Gong can be practiced as a stand alone Art, however it is very often practiced together with Tai Chi, and infact Tai Chi includes Qi Gong within it's practice.

Regarding Yin- Yang philosophy: It often expressed that Tai Chi is the Yang aspect and Qi Gong is the Yin aspect

Yes, in the past and currently I have treated &/or taught Tai Chi & Qi Gong to several Patients with terminal illnesses.

Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, as well as Tai Chi and Qi Gong , can assist with pain relieve or management, side effects of medications & medical treatments, and the emotional distress felt during terminal illness.

Home Visit Treatments can be particularly beneficial in cases where mobility and energy may be limited, and receiving treatments in the comfort and privacy of your own home, rather that commuting to a clinic is easier and more beneficial.

Yes, you can receive Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine while taking pain medication (medical drugs), as well other medication such as high blood pressure pills. Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used as a complementary therapy to help manage pain alongside western medicine medications. However, it is important to disclose any medications or supplements you are taking to the Practitioner, as this may impact your treatment plan and in order to prevent any possible conflicts , contraindications or interactions with Chinese Herbal Medicine, for example.

In many cases Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine can help lesson or eliminate side effects caused from necessary medication.

Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, is a popular and effective healthcare system based on ancient principles dating back thousands of years. Evidenced-based clinical research continues to shows that Chinese Medicine safely treats a wide range of common health complaints, and many people around the world attribute Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine to their improved quality of life, reduction in symptoms of illness and improvement in their health and well-being.

However, What about the patients that don’t achieve the desired results? There can be several common reasons why this occurs:

Not seeking a qualified Practitioner

In Australia, Chinese Medicine, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a regulated profession with all Practitioners being qualified and registered, so this is not really an issue in Australia.

The Practitioner and/or their style/method may not be the best match for you and/or your condition

As in Western Medicine, not all Doctors & Practitioners are equal. This can also include simply experience, such as a new graduate GP or a graduate Acupuncturist, who over time will eventually become experience and senior practitioners, and that while capable, may not be the best match for a particular case. For example, some conditions or illnesses may require the expertise of a Practitioner with more experience in, and /or specialises in, a particular field or disease. In the case where positive results from treatment are not found, you can try other Practitioners, to see if another Practitioner and.or their style/method provides better results for you, and a good Practitioner will always be happy for you do so, and may be able to refer you to a more experienced or senior practitioner, as their aim will be for improvement in your health condition.

Not following the Treatment Plan

Rome wasn’t built in a day. You may have suffered with your main complaint or illness for over 20 years, and you can't expect to be fixed in just one session. Whilst possible for long term chronic or complex conditions to respond and resolve relatively quickly over several sessions, this should not be expected. Even in such cases there is work to do to keep you this way. Acupuncture has an accumulative effect similar to antibiotics, one dose is unlikely to be as effective as a course of the medication, which is why a GP will tell you to complete the full course, even if you feel fully recovered when only half way through the medication. In Chinese Medicine treatments, for example Acupuncture, the first thing to achieve is improvement in symptoms, and the second is to have the results ‘hold’ or consolidated or to prevent recurrence, in order to stay well.

If a treatment plan requires a course of treatments or a certain number number of weekly attendance, and you don't complete those requirements, then naturally the desired outcome is unlikely to occur, or to take longer to occur.

For example, in some conditions, it may require two treatments per week for a result or best and quickest result. There can be a huge difference and change initially when treatment is start with twice a week visits, and allows you to your health goals much faster. depending on the condition and its nature, after initial treatments, treatment may only be required weekly, then fortnightly and finally monthly. Every treatment should take you "two steps forward" and you should only take "one step back" before you’re back in the clinic to keep the healing momentum rolling. In this way you build up a healthy reserve, and healing momentum & effect, then once your goals are reached treatment frequency can be reduced. Taking "one step forward" and "one step back" between each treatment gets you no where fast. Follow and trust the Treatment Plan & Strategy.

You drank caffeine before and after treatments.

Allowing some time between coffee intake before and after your treatment will have greater benefits.

Research suggests that caffeine can have a negative impact on treatment outcome. Studies have concluded that "…oral intake of caffeine, a potent adenosine receptor antagonist, interferes with acupuncture analgesia, even at a low dose…". Adenosine has a key role in the anti-inflammatory mechanism of Acupuncture. Further, caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and Acupuncture activates the parasympathetic nervous system - this is a conflict, pulling in different directions and getting no where fast.

Ignoring such a recommendation and/or where one consums 4 or 5 coffees/caffeinated drinks per day during treatment may impair results, and can be ‘filling up a water backet with hole in it.

For insomnia and anxiety patients it's recommend try reducing caffeine intake and see if that has an effect, as caffeine is a stimulant that with frequent use can cause chronic insomnia and anxiety in some patients.

You stopped medication (medical drugs) (NEVER EVER DO THIS).

Never stop prescribed medication without speaking to your GP. This is very important: it is unsafe to stop prescribed medications without a GP’s consent.

Most often patients are keen to lesson or stop medications when they come for Chinese Medicine treatment, including Acupuncture, and this is always an aim where possible. However, it's important for this to be done gradually and in consult with your medical GP.

The aim is to build up the the cumulative benefits of say Acupuncture, or Chinese Herbal Medicine, and then, with your GP’s consent, we may be able to reduce some medication, and possibly over time cease medication over some time. In some cases, the disease or condition may require permanent western medical drugs for managed or best treatment. In such cases Chinese Medicine treatment can help lesson side effects and/or complement such medication and treatment.

You didn’t follow the lifestyle advice.

Dietary or lifestyle recommendations are often part of the treatment strategy to help achieve optimum results and healing. This may be dependent on your specific condition or problem and diagnosis and be fundamental treatment success.

To be frank, this can often be a key element or treatment, and if one chooses to ignore this aspect they will have poor or little results. Again it would be like filling up a water bucket which has a hole in it, without patching the hole.

You went back to the situation that caused the issue in the first place.

In some instances, it can be very clear what caused the persons presenting main complaint or illness. For example, the cause of someone’s pain may be from exerting themselves physically in excessive strenuous exercise. If the patient returns to that initial activity (such as excessive weight lifting), they may experience a return of the main complaint. Another example could be the distress of somebody leaving an abusive relationship. Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine could help to reduce anxiety and support the person in finding their confidence, for example. However, if the patient then returns back to the abusive relationship, this may see a return of anxiety and distress.

Acupuncture may not be the treatment for you.

Acupuncture, or any modality of Chinese Medicine may not always be the answer, or the most appropriate and effective healing method for the person or a particular condition.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine have its limitations as is the case with every modality, there are short falls in every system of medicine, both Western and Eastern, which is why there are many different practices of medicine and healing. There is no panacea, but for many Traditional Chinese Medicine can be highly effective in addressing the health concerns.

I'm located in Summer Hill.

Presently I am only providing home visit treatments (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine) in Summer Hill and the immediate surrounding suburbs.

Please check current Service Area

I'm also providing Telehealth online consultation (Chinese Herbal Medicine only).

I also teach Taiji Quan (Tai Chi) & Qi Gong and Martial Arts & Self Defence at Summer Hill
