
Chinese Medicine has a very long history of treating a wide range of illnesses, diseases & conditions. Traditionally, Acupuncture, Massage and Chinese Herbal Medicine were the only treatment options for thousands of years in China, and thus it's knowledge, theories and practices have evolved over that very long period of practice, empirical evidence and research to deal with various physical and emotional health issues.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has withstood the test of time for almost 3000 years, if it had not proven its effectiveness for many people and conditions it would not have continued to exist for even 100 years, let alone for thousands.

Chinese Medicine treatments always focus on treating you individually, as a whole & unique person, mentally & physically, and not just as a set of symptoms.

Every case is unique and so treatment plans are tailored according to your individual specific needs.

Another feature of Chinese Medicine is it's stress on Preventative Medicine, where regular "maintenance" treatments aim at preventing illness from arising or heading it off as soon as it arises, and before it may become more serious or chronic and/or harder to heal - as we all know, "Prevention is better than Cure", this is also economical in the long run as medical care once serious illness strikes is quite expensive. Therefore investing a little in regular treatments to maintain ones current health and vitality, and ward off illness with a strong immune system, will cost far less than if you are struck down by an illness, as well as the related  time you may need off work to recover from such illness.

Therefore the ultimate goal is for you to not only feel better from what brought you in, but by regular treatments to improve the functions & efficiency of your body to boost your immune system to help fight off future ailments as a form of preventative medicine.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture as an effective treatment for a number of conditions including Painful conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions, Neurological conditions, Gynecological problems, Pregnancy and labor, Gastrointestinal disorders, Ear, nose & throat disorders, Urogenital disorders, Cardiovascular disorders, Addictions such as smoking and drug withdrawals, Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, and other general health problems.

Below are some of the many conditions Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, may be able to help with:
